officially the shit. seriously this dude is hilarious and he's a pole vaulter, and anyone familiar with the track world knows that vaulters are usually somewhat out there since they hurl themselves 20 ft in the air on a stick. enjoy
Monday, July 14, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
is your dog retarded??, megan's is

and what will megan do should she win the $250,000 you ask?? thats right, raise awareness of retarded dogs, and i quote, “I really want to spread the word about mentally challenged dogs. I’ve saved one myself, my dog is retarded. And I want to adopt more of them and save them.” way to go megan, saving mentally challeged dogs everywhere, you should recieve an Oscar, but please, dont strain yourself and make a speech, you're not exactly MLK
**disclaimer this is in no way meant to hate on megan, i just find retarded dogs funny, dont hate me**
i'm shipping off to boston, so its been a week
hello my dear blog readers (keith)!!
a week and two days ago i made my way to jfk international airport for my 4pm flight to boston. i got into logan right around 5:10 and made my search for keith, but he was no where to be found. i gave him a call and he did not answer!! =( it took me a bunch of calls to finally reach him and find a pick up location, it was a blasty.
we headed back to his new apt in waltham and began our 4 day weekend of fun. we hit it off with a viewing of "grandma's boy" which was hilarious and we both loved, many quotes ended up being repeated throughout the 4 days. then we went to a small mexican resaurant to get some take out and while they were making our food, occupied ourselves by intently studying how those weird slushie machines work, good times. we went back to the apt and we had to have watched something but i cant remember=/.. at some point that evening, we made up a game where we would throw a small orange ball at each other from across his carpet and if it hit the ground, the thrower got a point...lets just say keith sucks at ups, and lows, if it hits him in the stomach hes ok. that probably lasted for a while and we eventually went to bed.
friday, we woke up probably around noon and around one i decided i'd go for my run. so i head to the charles to get in a nice 30 mins. somewhere around the 10 min mark, i got stung in the arm by a black, pretty large, bug. i knew it got me, so i hit at it a couple times to try to kill it (i think i got revenge) and went on my merry way. i got back to the apt after my 30 and put ice on it for a second, thinking it was a standard mosquito bite. we went to play some basketball at the nearby park, and i won, basically cause keith aint got no speed. at some point we got sandwiches for dinner, watched another awesome movie, "old school", and went to bed, thinking nothing of my bite...
woke up a little late on saturday, the day mom and dad were supposed to arrive as well as the day we were to celebrate keiths b-day, and noticed my arm had swelled up a good amount, but still didnt think much of it. ma and pa got to the apt around 6, 2 hours later than they said they would get there. and mom made a big deal out of my arm. we went to dinner at margaritas, which was good, and then mom basically forced a trip to the ER. basically they had no idea what bit me, so gave me an IV of some antibiotics and a push of benadryl. they said it was an allergic reaction and sent me home with a Rx for anit-b's and benadryl, so that was fun. (btw my arm is fully healed now, yay). we went back to the apt to open presents, and keith was happy, i gave him the best presents- some RAMEN noodels and skittles. then we played some wii for a while, mom and dad left, played some more wii and went to bed.
sunday we met mom and dad for lunch at Cheesecake Factory, which was fine, said our goodbyes and made our way back home to NY
it was an awesome little vacation, and i had a lot of fun!!
p.s. stay tuned for retarded dogs
a week and two days ago i made my way to jfk international airport for my 4pm flight to boston. i got into logan right around 5:10 and made my search for keith, but he was no where to be found. i gave him a call and he did not answer!! =( it took me a bunch of calls to finally reach him and find a pick up location, it was a blasty.
we headed back to his new apt in waltham and began our 4 day weekend of fun. we hit it off with a viewing of "grandma's boy" which was hilarious and we both loved, many quotes ended up being repeated throughout the 4 days. then we went to a small mexican resaurant to get some take out and while they were making our food, occupied ourselves by intently studying how those weird slushie machines work, good times. we went back to the apt and we had to have watched something but i cant remember=/.. at some point that evening, we made up a game where we would throw a small orange ball at each other from across his carpet and if it hit the ground, the thrower got a point...lets just say keith sucks at ups, and lows, if it hits him in the stomach hes ok. that probably lasted for a while and we eventually went to bed.
friday, we woke up probably around noon and around one i decided i'd go for my run. so i head to the charles to get in a nice 30 mins. somewhere around the 10 min mark, i got stung in the arm by a black, pretty large, bug. i knew it got me, so i hit at it a couple times to try to kill it (i think i got revenge) and went on my merry way. i got back to the apt after my 30 and put ice on it for a second, thinking it was a standard mosquito bite. we went to play some basketball at the nearby park, and i won, basically cause keith aint got no speed. at some point we got sandwiches for dinner, watched another awesome movie, "old school", and went to bed, thinking nothing of my bite...
woke up a little late on saturday, the day mom and dad were supposed to arrive as well as the day we were to celebrate keiths b-day, and noticed my arm had swelled up a good amount, but still didnt think much of it. ma and pa got to the apt around 6, 2 hours later than they said they would get there. and mom made a big deal out of my arm. we went to dinner at margaritas, which was good, and then mom basically forced a trip to the ER. basically they had no idea what bit me, so gave me an IV of some antibiotics and a push of benadryl. they said it was an allergic reaction and sent me home with a Rx for anit-b's and benadryl, so that was fun. (btw my arm is fully healed now, yay). we went back to the apt to open presents, and keith was happy, i gave him the best presents- some RAMEN noodels and skittles. then we played some wii for a while, mom and dad left, played some more wii and went to bed.
sunday we met mom and dad for lunch at Cheesecake Factory, which was fine, said our goodbyes and made our way back home to NY
it was an awesome little vacation, and i had a lot of fun!!
p.s. stay tuned for retarded dogs
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